There, extremely skilled individuals practiced hardcore programming in FORTRAN and other older languages. The history of hackers can be traced back to the 1960s at MIT. ( Also Read: Top Ways to Protect Your Identity from Hackers )

Lastly, some hackers do it for patriotic reasons as in state-sponsored cyber attacks during wartime.

Third, corporate spies allow organizations to possess information on services and products that may be hijacked or used as a leverage within the marketplace. Second, some hackers act for egoistic motives to increase their reputation within the hacker subculture, leaving their signatures on the system or network after a breach. The first motive is monetary gain, especially when it involves breaking into systems with the specific purpose of stealing credit card numbers or manipulating banking systems. Now that you know who a hacker is, you may be wondering: “why do they do what they do?” Primarily, there are about four motives behind the actions of hackers attempt to break into computer systems.

If the reasons are based on ulterior motives, the person can also be called a “cracker”. The definition of a hacker is therefore “someone who is able to subvertcomputer security. Although the term “hacker” can basically refer to any skilled computer programmer, it has however become more synonymous with the idea of a security hacker that is, a person who, with their technical knowledge, uses bugs or exploits to break into computer systems. A computer hacker is a skilled computer expert who uses their technical knowledge to overcome a problem.